The Rock Island Rotary Foundation was created in 2008 as a result of a generous bequest of $200,000 from the estate of Stan Harris. This Foundation is intended to support projects and programs that benefit the people of Rock Island. The Board’s policy is to use only the net income and appreciated value of the fund to further the goals of Rock Island Rotary to help the Rock Island community. The Foundation board is comprised of Rock Island Rotarians.
Ways to Give
Gifts Made During Your Lifetime
A. Memorial or Honorary Gifts
B. Charitable Lead Trust
Gifts That Pay You Income
A. Charitable Gift Annuities
B. Charitable Remainder Trusts
Gifts Beyond Your Lifetime
A. Charitable Bequest
B. Beneficiary Designations
C. Endowed Gifts
Contact your attorney or financial adviser for assistance.
Requesting a Grant
Grants may be requested for purposes that solely benefit Rock Island and/or its citizens. Projects benefiting youth are particularly welcome. Grants are made once each year. Generally $5,000 to $7,000 is available and may be given as one grant or divided among more than one grant.
Submit a detailed grant request in writing to: Rock Island Rotary Club Foundation Committee. P.O. Box 4514, Rock Island, IL 61204-4514